The covered entity must have fully auditable records that demonstrate compliance with all 340B Program requirements, including drugs dispensed through a contract pharmacy arrangement. The contract pharmacy will provide the covered entity with reports consistent with customary business practices (e.g., quarterly billing statements, status reports of collections and receiving, and dispensing records). The contract pharmacy, with the assistance of the covered entity, will establish and maintain a tracking system suitable to prevent diversion of 340B drugs and duplicate discounts on the drugs. Customary business records, which must be readily retrievable, may be used for this purpose. The covered entity will establish a process for a periodic comparison of its prescribing records with the contract pharmacy’s dispensing records to detect potential irregularities. Such records can include: prescription files, velocity reports, and records of ordering and receipt of drugs. These records will be maintained for a period of time required by State law and regulations (75 Fed. Reg. 10272 (Mar. 5, 2010)).